Friday 21 January 2011

My new website, DessertSpecial

 I am currently working on my prices for those who are interested in buying batches of the desserts I make.  I am happy to cater for larger getherings and occasions, so simply pop me a line and let me know what exactly you want.

You can order the fun cups desserts which are perfect for busy events and occasions like parties.  If you want to be a bit more sophisticated, however, they can be made in dishes or pie cases to be cut into portions.

However, for the time being please visit my 'almost' official website which has listings and prices of desserts and also homecooked food. Admittedly the website is still undergoing some changes, but you are welcome to have a browse, and contact me to arrange your orders and get a quote.

Gateau on the menu

Its been a long while since I last posted anything, but I haven't stopped cooking! I just haven't had much time to sit and document everything. I have, of recent been trying to improve my method and recipe for Biryani. I am used to making the traditional South African Biryani (also posted on my blog with recipe) but, I have been wanting to try making the Pakistani Biryani which. Again, I have not been taking many pictures, so I don't have anything to show for my experimentation's.

However, aside from my Biryani's and the like, I have had fun getting busy with more Cake & Desserts Stalls alongside my 'partner in crime' sister. We were lucky to meet the lovely Yvonne Ridley at the recent event we held a stall at, and she was kind enough to not only spend the most on our stall, but hinted of places we could get a word in.
We did manage to take snaps of most the event and all the delicious things we had on sale.

(p.s. Please accept my apologise for the blurry pics, its the camera I tell you! The camera I am using these days seems to detect the slightest of movement to the point where I actually hold my breath when holding the button down!)

Yvonne Ridley

My Dessert side of the table.. Yum!

Pineapple Gateau & Chocolate and Strawberry Gateau

My cute little Business Flyer

Juicy Pineapple gateau with Fresh Cream

Chocolate & Strawberry Gateau

Tiramisu; Lemon Cheesecake; Summer Trifle; Banoffee

Handmade Choux Buns aka Eclairs - Very Popular!
Super Chocolate Tiramisu Dessert
Summer Fruit Trifle
Lemon Cream Cheesecake Dessert
Banoffee Dessert
Desserts, Desserts and more Desserts......!
Now that this event is over, I have another one to tackle. I have to say, the mix of excitement and anxiety is a confusing one, but once at the venue and all set up, it is good fun, and its great talking to the customers that grab a minute to chat.