Sunday 28 November 2010

Yummy desserts galore!

Fruity Tartlets

Choca Mocha Delights

At the event with my desserts all set up.
My dessert table w/ Blackforest Surprises
Lemon Cream Crunch
Blackforest Surprise

Monkey Bizniz & Blackforest Surprise

Row after row of yummy Desserts

Choca Mocha Delights

Fruity Tartlets
In total I must have made nearly 100 Desserts and 50 Fruit Tarts.
If you are interested in having some interesting desserts made for an event of yours, be it a wedding, party, get-together or meeting, feel free to contact me. I am happy to answer your questions and receive comments and suggestions. Just email me at chewychicATgmailDOTcom (i typed it to prevent spam/junk emails)

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