Wednesday 10 November 2010

Pasta with Broccoli

Here is a quick pasta dish I whipped up for lunch. Most pasta dishes are fairly easy to make, usually quick to prepare and more importantly filling for hungry tums. Easy, tasty comfort food at your service!
It was a recipe of total improvisation, with a vague result in mind.

What I used:
1 tin tomatoes
5 - 6 large broccoli florets, broken into small pieces
1 Leek, thickly sliced
1 large onion sliced
1 tbls garlic butter (or 1-2 garlic cloves, crushed)
Olive Oil
salt & pepper
small drop of tabasco
1 tbls of Morrocon spices (a mixture of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, garlic, salt, sugar)
1 tbls heaped Cream cheese with chives
Brie or normal cheddar cheese to add when serving.
Pasta shells.

How to make:

1. Begin by boiling the pasta in plenty of salted water till just done, with a bit of 'chew' still in it. Drain and return to its pot for the time being.
2. Lightly saute Leeks in a little oil on a medium heat till starting to soften. Remove.

3. Add more olive oil to pan and the garlic butter (or crushed garlic) along with the onions. Saute till softened.
4. Add tin tomatoes, leeks, broccoli, spices, tabasco and cream cheese to pan and heat to a simmer, and continue cooking till broccoli is still s little crunchy.
5. Mix the sauce through the pasta and serve immediately. Top with the brie or prefered cheese and consume...hmmm!

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