Thursday 11 November 2010

Baking by others..

Here are a few pictures I wanted to share with you. I didn't actually bake any of these myself. All Credit and Courtesy go to my mum and sis. Although!.. having said that,  I did watch and gave a few suggestions here and there.. AND I helped to decorate some of the mini cakes..*grin*

These are my sisters biscuits. Whenever someone has done us a favour, we often repay them with a tray or plate of some home-baked cakes or bikkies. Its our way of saying a big thank you and hug all in one!
Although, I have been encouraging my sister to experiment a bit more. The twisted biscuits were creation of my imagination. (..yes I'm still trying to involve myself somehow)

These little mini cakes were made using the Petit Four cases. They are ideal for little kiddie parties.
We wanted to brighten the cakes up to appeal to kids, but also I was baring in mind that artificial colourings are not the best thing to be feeding our children with. So, to minimize this, we put the tiniest blob of icing, and dipped them into 'Hundreds & Thousands'. Minimally decorated, yet still fun and pretty.

Finally these were the Pumpkin Cupcakes my sister attempted to make. They were made in batches as we were trying out this recipe for the first time, and secondly, we were using a rubber muffin mould. The cupcakes above were the first batch of 6. Upon tasting them, we found them incredibly sweet, so batch after batch the recipe was adjusted and adjusted to the point of destruction! lol But the above pic shows the first batch of well made pumpkin cupcakes - that's all you need to see.

We have a kids party to cook and bake for this coming Saturday. My sis plans to make cute mini cakes like the ones above and biscuits with the Arabic lettering on them (for fun and educational purposes). Will update with pics of those soon enough. I have still to decide what I will be making.

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