Sunday 28 November 2010

Day of the Cupcake & Dessert Stall

A weeks worth of headache, preparation, lack of sleep, list writing, shopping trips, trial 'n' error, mess, tears & laughter all ended yesturday!
I can safely say it was an experience to be had, and now that we've done it, we're pretty sure we could do it all over again! (Although, in a slightly more organised and calm manner I would hope)

Sadly, I didn't take many pictures myself, and left it to my sister to do, as quite honestly I was exhausted from the previous day AND evenings (late night) worth of labour. So please accept my apologies for the less the perfect quality of the photos, although hopefully you will be able to appreciate the workmanship and drool factor effect of the ones that were taken.

  Here you can see my side of the stall. I ended up making 5 item types in total.
I focused on the desserts whilst my sister focused on the baked goods. I made them all in clear cups and in multi layers creating lovely layers of colour texture and flavour. I based them all on common desserts in a slightly different way, all of which were the result of my love for sweet and creamy desserts and a creative imagination.
They proved popular and created interest as they were seen as an unusual and amusing way to serve a dessert.

The back row were Choca Mocha Desserts, which were by far the most popular. This dessert was based on the lovely Tiramisu but without the alcohol.
Next row down were the Lemon Cream Crunch, (another favourite of mine) made with real cream, fresh lemons and lovely crunchy biscuit crumbs. Mouthwatering stuff!
The middle tray, were my homemade fruit pastry tartlets, filled with luscious cream, jam and fruit. Good little desserts.
The third row of cups were my Blackforest Surprise, a special favourite for strawberry lovers. It consists of a strawberry & cherry chunks, rich chocolate cake, homemade strawberry sauce and fresh cream.
Last by no way the least, were the fun Monkey Bizniz desserts. A magical twist on the Banoffee pie in a creamy dessert style, with fresh bananas and rich sticky caramel sauce! Yummy scrummy!

Fruity Cups
Rows & rows of yummy desserts!
Lemon Cream Crunch
Blackforest Surprise

Blackforest Surprise

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