Tuesday 2 November 2010

Sausage & Bean Casserole

Today I was in the mood to try something different, something I hadn't cooked before, something rich and warming. My mum had taken a few sausages that were in the freezer, but not enough for everyone..so as usual, i went about searching for a sausage recipe, not to follow to the T but rather, as inspiration to an ultimate goal. So here is the final result of my search and adaptions. A truly rich and warming meal, either to be served and scooped up with chunks of your favourite bread, or hot crispy jacket potatoes.

1 Onion,diced
1 Carrot, diced
1 medium Courgette, diced
1 small Yellow Pepper, diced
5 Sausages, each cut into 4 small pieces
1 tin of peeled Plum tomatoes (you can use chopped)
1 tin of Pinto Beans in water (or any bean you have)
1 tin of Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce
1 cup water (or stock)
Salt & Pepper
1/2 tsp herbs
1 Bay Leaf
1 tsp each of tomato ketchup & brown sauce

To make:
1. Begin by cooking the sausages in a little oil in a pan on the stove till nicely browned. Remove from pan.
2.In the same pan, fry the onion for 1 minute, then add other vegetables. Fry for a further 5 minutes.
3. Add Baked Beans, Pinto Beans, Tinned Tomatoes, and 1 cup water. Season to taste, and add herbs & bay leaf.
4. Next, transfer the contents of the pot to a oven proof dish or casserole pot, which has a lid. Add sausages to casserole dish.
5. Place casserole dish in a preheated oven, at gas Mark 2 and leave for 30 minutes, or longer depending on how reduced you like the casserole to be. The casserole may thicken. If too thick, add a little boiled water and heat through before serving.

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