Saturday 23 October 2010

Macaroni Cheese

When it comes to Macaroni Cheese, homemade is definately the best! I've tried stuff from tins - (I can't believe people buy it!) 

So here's how we make ours. 

What you'll need (to feed 5-6 people):
3 heaped cups of Macaroni (or any other pasta shape you like)
4 tbls flour
4 tbls butter
1 1/2  pints milk (plus more if needed)
1 tsp Mustard (either powdered or sauce, any type is fine)
3-4 cups grated Cheese
1 Onion Sliced, and lightly sauted (OR leave raw for a stronger taste - I prefer raw)
2-3 Tomatoes Sliced
Salt & Pepper

How to Make:
~Begin by cooking the pasta (macaroni or whatever you are using) in a pot with plenty of water to cover and with a generous pinch of salt. Cook according to the packets instructions. Drain and set aside.

For the cheese Sauce:
~Meanwhile, in another large, deep pan melt the butter over a low heat WITHOUT letting it bubble.
~Once it has just melted, add the flour and stir to form a paste. Cook this paste over a very low heat for 3 minutes, stirring frequently to cook evenly and prevent the flour burning.
~Remove pan from heat. Gradually (splash by splash) add the milk to the flour paste. Stir thoroughly with each addition, until all milk has been added. NOTE: If you add too much milk at once, you will end up with lumps. If you happen to do this, you can take a hand whisk and give it a good whisking to beat out the lumps.
~Return the pan to a low medium heat stirring constantly. The sauce should slowly start to thicken, to the consistency of double cream.
~Now that the sauce is bubbling, add the mustard, cheese (reserve 1 cup cheese for the top if choosing to bake), onions, salt & pepper to taste. Cook for a further 5-10 minutes until the cheese has melted. The cheese will make the sauce thicker. It should be no thicker then custard. If too thick, you can add a little more milk to thin it down - remember to check seasoning.

~Remove cheese sauce from heat. Add the cooked pasta to the cheese sauce and mix thoroughly.
You are welcome to eat the pasta as it is by heating through over a stove top
- OR -

~Empty the complete contents of pasta and sauce into an oven dish. Top with the grated cheese and the sliced tomatoes. (you can also add peppers or extra slices of onion)
~Bake in oven on Gas Mark 5 for 30-40 minutes till Cheese is bubbling and pasta is thoroughly heated through. 

You may have noticed from the pictures, that the cheese does not look properly melted or golden. That is because this dish was made in advance and baked later that evening. 

This is the great thing about pasta bakes. They can be left, ready prepared and in their baking dishes in the fridge and baked either later or the next day.

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