Thursday 14 October 2010

Week of Food Overview

So, on our menu today is Curries. (yep, in the plural) 
I love cooking curries and we usually have a fair bit leftover on the days I've made it. So over the space of a month or two, we would have accumulated various containers & boxes of curries in the freezer ready to thaw and become an Indian Family Feast. I will try to take pics of them in their ready-to-eat 'pose'. 

Meanwhile, you can take a peek at some of the things that have been cooking up within the recent few days. I do most of the cooking at home, but my mum also loves cooking, more englishy things like pies, pastries and especially fishy dishes (her FAV.!). My sister has become the home-baker. So, naturally I am obliged to give them the chance to express their foody-creativity too!

My mums Bhajiahs, with my homemade Sweet Chilli Sauce
 My mum isn't much of a curry queen. Failing miserably in my dads Curry Ranking system. However, one thing no one seems to make better then she does, is her homemade Bhajiahs. Bhajiahs are a type of fried fritter. Usually the main ingredient is Gram Flour (translated as Chana or Chickpea Flour). It is also one of the best ways to use up any cooked veg from roast leftovers and the like. Infact almost anything can be put into it, along with a good dose of Chilli, Salt and Spices, and of course plenty of fresh, thinly sliced onions.

A Bowl of another of my soups. This one is Spicy Thai inspired.
 As I have already mentioned, I am becoming more interested in Soups. For one, they're fairly easy to throw together; two, they can be made to be healthy and nutritious; three, they make a filling yet, light meal which doesn't have to bloat you out; and lastly four, they are SO versatile. Its the equivalent to a standard meal with a few cups of liquid added to make a wet meal rather than dry. The liquid makes you feel fuller, yet the calories will work out to be far less...........have I sold the idea to you yet?!?

Whats in the Soup? Carrots, Mushrooms, Chicken, Noodles Onions.....and more

*Hahaha* (laughing weakly). Talking of healthy stuff, here is a load of delicious and sugary Donuts to balance out the healthy Soups. (ONLY JOKING)
Of course, even the healthy experts that rant and rave all the time about being health conscious, MUST have their Sugar and Carb fix at some point! I'm SURE OF IT! (correct me if I'm wrong)

These were made by my sister, the recently crowned the baking queen. They were so good. 

Cinnamon Sugar coated Ring Donuts

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