Tuesday 12 October 2010

On todays' menu

Wowey! Today is my first time at blogging. HOW FUN!

So, today is use-up day in our house. We don't actually have specific days for specific types of meals. We just have a fridge full of all the stuff I or my mum have been making throughout the week.
Sadly, I don't have all the pictures of everything that got made because I didn't realise I would be blogging by today. Totally unprepared for!
So...the use-ups today consist of: Egg Fried Rice; 'Dolma' an Arab dish made of different veg stuffed with rice; a little bit of Hot 'n' Sour Sauce for the Egg Fried Rice, Bhajiahs (a deep fried indian snack), and a few other things. I don't know about you, but I quite like use-up days. Because there ends up being a table full of a variety of things to try and taste all over again.

That aside.. I AM actually in the process of making Date and Walnut Bread. Its my first time in making a sweet bread (i think) and I am looking forward to the end result. But, silly thing is...I only went and forgot the YEAST! So for about an hour of kneading and rising etc the bread, I go to check on the status of the rising, and its as flat as before! So, back in the bread maker it went, with a sachet of yeast and back to kneading and rising all over again. I don't know whats going to happen to it now! And it was all going so well....! boohoo.
Nevermind! -- We live and learn. Patience is a virtue. Everything happens for a reason.
 So I suppose I will update you a bit later, to tell you of my failure and/or success.

(I will get cracking with my picture taking too....wow this is all so fun! lol)

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