Wednesday 13 October 2010

Warm in the Kitchen with Green Soup

Today is pretty cold, glum and still. Even still, I'm not one who is bothered if there's rain or shine. I like all weather and see the beauty in it all.
Having said that, when it comes to food..well, I think we all like to cook according the weather at some point or another. So, it being cold, and as the weather continues to decline in warmness, it can be safely said that Soup Season has made its entrance. 
I love soup. As a kid I didn't care for it much. But as I get older and 'wiser' I see that soup lends a helping hand when we need it. When we're ill with a cold, a steaming bowl of soup is just the remedy. At least it helps the warming process. But soup to me has almost become my staple, as I ever increasingly become aware of its health benefits and my own unhealthy eating habits. So, whenever I feel I have deprived my body of real nourishment I whip a pot of soup.

I flicked through a load of recipe books trying to find the recipe that not only took my fancy but that I had all, if not most of the ingredients listed. But, as usual........I hardly ever stick to what the book says! 

So this is what I finally concluded after all my page flicking and finger drumming...

..It was this Green Soup. 
A warming and revitalizing soup.. Just what you need when its cold.

Serves: 4 as Light Lunch or Starter

Ingredients I used:
1 small piece of chicken (any with bone) 

1 onion 
1/2 stick celery
1/2 green pepper
1 very small potato (the size of an egg)
1 1/2 cups peas
1/2 cup spinach leaves
4 spring onions
1 clove garlic
1/2 inch piece of ginger
Fresh Ground Pepper & Salt
1/2 tsp of Fresh grounded mixed spices. (Curry Powder or the like can also be used.)

I began by roasting the chicken piece in the Oven. I usually wouldn't have bothered, but my mum already had the oven on, so I just made use of it.
Meanwhile I chopped all the veggies to even small dice.
I fried the onion, with the garlic and ginger till slightly browned. Then in went the pepper potato & celery. I sauted them for a few minutes.
Then I put in the spices, and Ground pepper and chicken.
After I added the peas and 1 tall glass of water (about 2 cups). I waited till it boiled then lowered to a simmer and a level tsp salt (or to taste)
Once the veggies were tender, I poured out two thirds of the soup into the blender. (Being careful not to drop the chicken) This was blended till smooth then re-added to the pan.
Finally, I added the chopped spring onions and spinach and heated through for another 5 minutes.

I would probably add a blob of yoghurt or sour cream into my bowl of soup for a creamy tangy addition.
A healthy Green soup full of flavour. Perfect for today's glum weather and also good for feeding my body the well needed nutrients.

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