Saturday 4 December 2010

Fish & Potato Curry

This is my own recipe for a Fish & Potato curry. As you may have gathered by now, I love cooking and eating spicey food. This is probably similar to a Bengali curry, as they are well known for their love of fish.

Serves 6-8 
4 large fillets of white fish (cod, pollack, haddock etc) cleaned, washed and cut into generous portions
2 large onions, finely diced
2/3 cloves of Garlic, crushed or grated
1/2 inch peice of ginger, grated or crushed
1 tin tomatoes (chopped)
1-2 fresh Green Chillis (more or less upon your taste)
1 tsp Chilli powder (more or less upon your taste)
1 tsp Cumin seeds
1/2 tsp Cumin Powder
1 tsp coriander
1/2 - 1 tsp Garam Masala (I prefer to make my own)
2-3 large waxy potatoes, washed peeled and cut into quarters (about 2" pieces)

To Cook:
1. Begin by heating about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of oil in a heavy based pan. Add the onions and cook on medium high for 5 minutes
2. Add the garlic and ginger and stir through, and allow to cook for 2 more minutes
3. Add the spices, salt and tin of tomatoes to the pot and cook for 10 minutes on a medium heat till reduced and thickened slightly.
4. Add potatoes to pot and cook on a moderate heat till partly cooked through (a knife should just about pierce the potato easily, with just the slightest of resistance)
5. Add the fish to the pot along with about 1/2 a glass of water. Ensure all the fish is in contact with the spiced tomatoes. Now, leave the pot for 20 minutes on a very low heat and do not be tempted to stir. (The fish will begin to cook and become very tender and break easily. By leaving it to cook thoroughly the fish will toughen slightly and become easier to manage without too much damage.)
6. Check to see that potatoes have cooked through. If you prefer a thinner gravy you can add more water, although the water from the fish and potato will already make the gravy thin, ideal for serving with freshly cooked white rice.

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