Monday 13 December 2010

Lots & Lots of Desserts

It all began one bright afternoon after skimming through many books full of recipes, namely desserts. I have had desserts on my mind for a while now, as there is plans to do another stall this coming January.
So, without further delay I set to work on my dessert, (the word dessert to become plural) as I scanned through the cupboards and brought out ingredients which brought about more than just one idea.

So with sleeves well rolled up and my dessert hat on (don't ask what a dessert hat looks like), I got busy.
After much mess, pot-clanking, cupboard-banging and so forth I bring you the final products.

The Desserts I make are top secret..hehe. sorry everyone!

Apple Crumble Dessert

Summer Fruit Jelly

Simple Strawberry Jelly

Double Chocolate Layer

Summer Fruit Trifle

Creamy Chocolate Coffee

Double Choc Chip Cookies with Cream & Sweet Berry Sauce

Mini Chocolate Sponge

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