Sunday 5 December 2010

Quick & Easy Mushroom soup

I am a huge lover of mushrooms. This mushroom soup is lovely when its cold, and I feel like something quick, warming yet light. This can be easily whipped up in 10 minutes.
I use tinned mushrooms for this. Sounds gross? Well, thats what I thought before I opened a tin up. But to my surprise, they work really well in anything that calls for a mushroom base, including this soup and even a good, quick chicken pie! (I will promise to do a chicken pie in the future)

Serves 4, as light lunch or starter.

Whats needed:
1 tbls garlic butter (or normal)
1 tin (small) Mushroom
1/2 or 1 stock cube (use half or less if using mushroom soup packet)
2 cups of milk
salt & pepper
few drops of lemon juice
1 tbls cornflour mixed with 2 tbls cold water OR
an extra cheat 1 packet of Mushroom soup ('Batchelors' or the like)
1 tbls of Natural Yoghurt, sour cream or Double Cream per bowl to serve.

How to make:
1. Begin by melting the garlic butter in a pan over a low heat.
2. Add the tin of mushrooms, milk, salt & pepper, then cover and gently bring to the boil. (You can add the stock cube if not using mushroom packet). As soon as it starts to bubble, lower the heat to a simmer for 5 minutes.
3. Next add the cornflour or the packet of mushroom soup and stir till thickened. Add the lemon juice, and serve in deep bowls with a dollop of yoghurt or cream. (I like natural yoghurt as it gives the soup a richer taste, and creamy texture)

Serve this soup with crackers or bread, whichever you fancy and have available.

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